Make the world more productive with the Cloud

Top-class AWS implementation results in Japan Provide one-stop service from design proposal, actual implementation, and managed operation.
Continuously certified as AWS Premiere Tier Services Partner from 2014

With our accumulated experiences and know-how as an AWS specialized vendor, we support customers solving their various problems


"AWS Professional" group of people

Our company is the only company who is specialized in AWS and has been certified as a highest ranked AWS partner, "AWS Premiere Tier Services Partner" in Japan

Premiere Tier Services Partner

Certified continously since 2014.


Quick response

Since we are AWS specialized company, we can provide quick response

High technical skill

Provide one-stop service from proposal, design, and construction to the post- construction operation

Great Track records

Supported more than 20,800 AWS implementation projects


Support customers by providing one-stop service from proposal, design, and construction to the post-construction operation

AWS design/constrction

AWS operation/support

AWS consulting/training

Cloud Automator

You will be able to automate the operation using simple and intuitive steps.
Implemented our know-how to make AWS operation easy and simple


Learn about the company.